The War of the Worlds

In the tranquil English countryside, amidst the serene towns and bustling villages, a horror unlike any other descends from the heavens. H.G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds" tells the gripping story of an invasion by Martians, whose arrival on Earth brings unprecedented chaos and destruction.

The War of the Worlds
Chapter 27: The Epiologue
The War of the Worlds I cannot but regret, now that I am concluding my story, how little I am able to...
The War of the Worlds
Chapter 26: Wreckage
The War of the Worlds And now comes the strangest thing in my story. Yet, perhaps, it is not altogether...
The War of the Worlds
Chapter 25: Dead London
The War of the Worlds After I had parted from the artilleryman, I went down the hill, and by the High...
The War of the Worlds
Chapter 24: The man on Putney Hill
The War of the Worlds I spent that night in the inn that stands at the top of Putney Hill, sleeping...
The War of the Worlds
Chapter 23: The work of Fifteen Days
The War of the Worlds For some time I stood tottering on the mound regardless of my safety. Within that...
The War of the Worlds
Chapter 22: The Stillness
The War of the Worlds My first act before I went into the pantry was to fasten the door between the...
The War of the Worlds
Chapter 21: The Death of the Curate
The War of the Worlds It was on the sixth day of our imprisonment that I peeped for the last time, and...
The War of the Worlds
Chapter 20: The Days of Imprisonment
The War of the Worlds The arrival of a second fighting-machine drove us from our peephole into the scullery,...
The War of the Worlds
Chapter 19: What we saw from the ruined House
The War of the Worlds After eating we crept back to the scullery, and there I must have dozed again,...
The War of the Worlds
Chapter 18: (Book Two) The Earth under the Martians
The War of the Worlds In the first book I have wandered so much from my own adventures to tell of the...
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