The Diary of a Nobody

In the quaint suburb of Holloway, amidst the mundane bustle of middle-class life, Charles Pooter, a self-effacing city clerk, embarks on the noble endeavor of chronicling his everyday experiences. "The Diary of a Nobody," penned by George and Weedon Grossmith, is a humorous and endearing portrait of Victorian domesticity, capturing the small triumphs, minor calamities, and the peculiarities of suburban existence.

The Diary of a Nobody
Chaper 24: The Diary of a Nobody (The Last)
The Diary of a Nobody One of the happiest days of my life. July 10.—The excitement and anxiety through...
The Diary of a Nobody
Chapter 23: The Diary of a Nobody
The Diary of a Nobody Lupin leaves us. We dine at his new apartments, and hear some extraordinary information...
The Diary of a Nobody
Chapter 22: The Diary of a Nobody
The Diary of a Nobody Master Percy Edgar Smith James. Mrs. James (of Sutton) visits us again and introduces...
The Diary of a Nobody
Chapter 21: The Diary of a Nobody
The Diary of a Nobody Lupin is discharged. We are in great trouble. Lupin gets engaged elsewhere at...
The Diary of a Nobody
Chapter 20: The Diary of a Nobody
The Diary of a Nobody Dinner at Franching’s to meet Mr. Hardfur Huttle. May 10.—Received a letter from...
The Diary of a Nobody
Chapter 19: The Diary of a Nobody
The Diary of a Nobody Meet Teddy Finsworth, an old schoolfellow. We have a pleasant and quiet dinner...
The Diary of a Nobody
Chapter 18: The Diary of a Nobody
The Diary of a Nobody Trouble with a stylographic pen. We go to a Volunteer Ball, where I am let in...
The Diary of a Nobody
Chapter 17: The Diary of a Nobody
The Diary of a Nobody Marriage of Daisy Mutlar and Murray Posh. The dream of my life realised. Mr. Perkupp...
The Diary of a Nobody
Chapter 16: The Diary of a Nobody
The Diary of a Nobody We lose money over Lupin’s advice as to investment, so does Cummings. Murray Posh...
The Diary of a Nobody
Chapter 15: The Diary of a Nobody
The Diary of a Nobody Gowing explains his conduct. Lupin takes us for a drive, which we don’t enjoy....
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